Raider Token NFT Artists Wanted.

Artists wanted for RR NFT Nr. 5

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The Raider Raffle NFTs is looking for community members to help design our next set of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). It is easy and fun to do.

Criteria for participation

  • Are you in the Raider Token community?
  • Do you care about Raider Token and helping the project succeed?
  • Can you use a phone, camera, or computer?

If that’s you, then you can help by submitting your artwork at the Raider Token telegram group.

NFT Design Requirements

  • All Raider Token NFTs must contain the words, Raider Token.
  • All Raider Token NFTs must be free of copyright restrictions.
  • All Raider Token NFTs must be created in your account.
  • All Raider Token NFTs can have no more than 10% royalties enabled.
  • All Raider Token NFTs are donations to the Raider Token Community. If you send your NFTs to the Raider Raffle Wallet, you will not get them back.

Cost Structure

To make it easy to determine the cost of any particular Raider Token Raffle NFT, the following pricing guideline will be used:

Individual UnitsCost per Unit
51 to 1000,0005
26 to 500,00075
15 to 250,0010
5 to 140,0015
2 to 40,0020
1 of 10,0025
Cost of Raffle Tickets

Raider Token Community-Project

All Raider Token NFTs are intended to promote the Raider Token community-project. You can find out more information about what Raider Token is and what we stand for by visiting our official website:

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We are all Raider Token. We raid the blockchain. We expand throughout the metaverse. Moment by moment, day by day our power becomes stronger. Soon we will all be holders of Raider Token. We are all Raiders. Expect us.

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